Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Happenings

I had a really enjoyable weekend. It started off with a book signing at Wacko in Los Feliz. I was able to get a book signed by a co-worker and awesome artist Miss Mindy. She even drew me a mermaid that my roomie and best friend Amber insists looks like me. It's cute, so I don't mind agreeing with Amber. I had never been to Wacko/Soap Plant/ Gallery de La Jesus before, but I am definitely going back. It's a bookstore and gallery space. I found myself drawn to Lyle Motle's works in the gallery and also the design books featuring 1960s furniture.

Following the signing I tagged along with Amber and her date Bryan to watch the Lakers game at Bryan's friends place. It was actually not awkward at all being the third wheel. I think the tasty blood orange margaritas helped with that. Even though I work around hundreds of artists I rarely hang out with them outside of work, so it was interesting to chat with the artists and see animation from their point of view. One girl was sketching/doodling nudes the whole time - so interesting to be able to draw a few lines and it actually looks like something. She designs props on Chowder. We left around 10:30p and headed to In-N-Out. I have to say it's the perfect way to end a Friday night.

Saturday, I skipped my normal morning exercise in favor of sleeping in. After chatting with Venus to confirm Saturday night plans got dressed in a all brown ensemble. I had like four different tones of Brown going on, but I actually liked it and I also like my skirt length which meant I could go without leggings. Amber and I headed to IKEA in Burbank and did a little bedroom shopping. Amber found some great deep purple/plumb sheets. I bought bedding a couple of weeks ago, so I was just looking. We finished early, so we called Venus up to see if she wanted to hang out a bit earlier than previously planned. She was up for it, so we drove to WeHo to pick her up and then headed to Hollywood & Highland. There really isn't much to hold my attention at Hollywood & Highland. There isn't a bookstore there that you can get lost in for hours. We had about 4 hours to kill, so we opted for this internet/gaming cafe uWink. I was skeptical at first. I like technology, but I am always skeptical with things that are too "cool" and pseudo futuristic. Each table/booth is set-up with double sided touch computer screens. You can play games/order food and pay your check from the screens. It actually turned out to be pretty fun. We played group games and turned individual games into group games and easily killed 3 hours. And I must say this was the easiest group checkout ever. The computer itemizes everyones orders and then you just swipe your card to pay for your food. After uWink we met our friend Kingslee at Kitchen 24 on Cahuenga. We've been looking for a restaurant to replace our beloved Doughboys and I think we may have found it. I have this secret affinity for the color combo of Pink and Brown. I think it stems from one of my favorite books as a kid. I even did my bedroom in Oakland in these colors. Anyway the restaurant is decorated in these colors it's like Neapolitan ice cream. It's like a Pink & Brown dream. The food was really good too and the patrons were all really attractive. It's like this is why I live in LA. I ordered a BLT with fries that were perfect. Kings and I also ordered ginger mojitos which were delicious. The conversation was really good. As always the topic turned towards relationships. I was surprised when everyone thought that I would be the easiest person to be in a relationship with. Surprised because I've never been in a serious relationship. But it did make me feel good that they thought that. It gives me more confidence to maybe make my next relationship a more serious permanent thing. Moving along. We left around 9pm and headed to Paramount Movie Studio to see Star Trek. It was pretty good. I actually want to see the old series now, because the characters in the movie intrigued me.

Sunday was super lazy. I woke up early just to call my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and then I fell back to sleep. I wanted to go to church, but my body wanted to sleep in more. I finally crawled out of bed around 11:30am. But, I didn't crawl too far - just to my living room couch. I enjoyed a big bowl of cereal and got caught up on my teen tv shows like Gossip Girl and 90210 v. 2.0. Around 4:30pm I decided that I needed to do something with my day like get dressed, so I showered and got dressed. Then I took a walk around my neighborhood. I walked to the Huntington Botanical Gardens and Library. It was such a lovely walk. The honeysuckle smelled delicious. The houses were gorgeous. The weather was perfect and the people along the way looked happy. It was just really enjoyable. I went tot he grocery and bought crab legs and corn on the cob for dinner. It was beyond delicious.

And now I get to work from home, so my weekend continues - kind of.
Until next time...

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