Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cyber Stalking

So, there is this guy that I'm fond of and instead of talking to him, I cyber stalk him. It started off innocently enough with a quick search for him on Myspace, but now I check his cousin's blog daily for updates on his family. It's grown beyond just looking for tidbits and info on my Object d'amor. Now, I peruse the blog to read what new and glorious things have happened in the lives of people I will probably never meet. I mean the blog is at times inspiring. It's pretty awesome to read the words of someone who loves Christ so much. As I journey back to the bosom of Christ I find her struggles with living as a Christian to be encouraging. The blog is also funny. There are humorous pictures and accounts of dunderhead mistakes. There is beauty - the photos are artistic and the blogger is an artist who let's us in on her wondrous talent. The blog is also painful to read; an earlier post recounts her parents temporary separation. I feel like I would read this blog if my boy was not related to the author, but still is it wrong to know so much about someone that you actually know? I mean I'm so afraid of people who I work with looking at my Myspace page that I have set it to private. Maybe one day he and I will actually have these conversations with each other instead of the one sided thing that going on now. Who knows maybe he would be just as enamored with my family and friends :)

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