Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Life in the Carpool Lane v.1

So, my roommate Amber and I finally started carpooling 2 weeks ago. The first week i totally forgot that there were two of us in the car and I never utilized the car pool lane. I only realized the genius of the car pool lane the second week when Amber slid into it during a particularly heavy traffic day and we still ended up getting to work in fifteen minutes. NICE! So, this week I'm taking advantage of the car pool lane and it is awesome! Even when I should be super later for work I'm not.

Today was particularly fun because Amber and I were reminiscing about old John Mayer interviews. Yes, we remember old John Mayer interviews. Yes, at one time we were super fans, and yes we wear our battles proudly. Anyways back to the reminiscing part - it was so much fun to just sit in the car and laugh and quote these ridiculous interviews, We have both seen them so many times that we can quote them word for word. If anyone had been in the car with us they would have assumed we were high or something because of the silliness, but it's just the type of thing you do with someone you've been friends with for 11 years. Good times. And I needed it. Lately I feel like the Universe is conspiring against me because everything that can go wrong has lately, so I needed a break from all my worries which are causing me to be majorly stressed. So, the lesson here: when you're feeling down just think of celebrity interviews that happen in places like Belgium.

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